AmigaOS3.5 (51/967)

From:Alan W. Rateliff, II
Date:2 May 2000 at 03:24:08
Subject:Re: Installing OS3.5 on A4000T

On 01-May-00, Don Cox said something totally profound about [amigaOS3_5] Re: Installing OS3.5 on A4000T that made me ponder...

DC> Do Software Hut sell copies of WB 1.1?

DC> I'm not thinking of current software but repairs and replacements. I
DC> think anyone getting an A1000 now, for instance, would want to run it
DC> with the original software - OS1.1 or 1.2.

That's a little easier to swallow, but offering install disks for OS3.1 and
OS3.5 for download from a website is just wrong.

DC> The various ROM files could be a godsend for anyone needing repairs to
DC> an old Amiga.

Even 1.2 ROMs are still available from many dealers. As for KickStart disks,
I'm sure that there are authorized Amiga dealers that would be licensed and
authorized to distribute copies of KS1.x disks.

DC> The site is explained by the statement that it is the old Commodore
DC> support site. It should be linked in to Amiga Inc as the new support
DC> site.

I could understand making OS's prior to 2.05 freely available. Apple does the
same with thei old operating systems. I know I was able to download the full
install of MacOS 7.5.1 from their site.

DC> Companies which provide support for discontinued products deserve
DC> customer loyalty.

Much agreement and kudos. But providing a pirated copy of ROMs and OS
installation software which is still available for purchase from authorized
Amiga dealers is not acceptable.

My whole objection is that distributing an Amiga OS that is still purchasable
from Amiga dealers is stealing from Amiga, the dealers, and us, the

Alan W. Rateliff, II - L.I.V.R. // Only Amiga Makes it Possible
(Learned, Impartial and Very Relaxed) \X/ Power for Creative Minds... Six Degrees of RC5 Team Effort
ICQ# 12889540 -- Forager: Tallahassee's resident Amiga user!
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